Archive for When Time Fades…

Suspyre-When Time Fades… Preview

Posted in General Posts, Metal Reviews with tags , , , on December 1, 2008 by heavytothebone2

Hey everybody. Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving, unless you are from a foreign country. In that case, I hope you had a nice Thursday. I gave myself a mini-break so I could eat myself into a coma. Now that I’m out of the coma, it’s back to the blog. I will have a review up of Suspyre’s When Time Fades… on Friday, but for now, I will do a brief paragraph on what to expect. Think of it as a coming attraction previewing what will be ahead…

The Band

Gregg Rossetti – Guitars, Orchestration, MIDI Programming, Saxophones, Tenor Viola da gamba, Chapman Stick
Rich Skibinsky – Guitar, Orchestration, MIDI Programming, Keyboards
Clay Barton – Lead, Backing Vocals
Andrew Distabile – Bass
April Sese – Keyboards


The Preview

Suspyre formed in Flemington, New Jersey in 2001. Since their formation, the progressive metal band has been through several line-up changes and multiple record labels. Their newest album, When Time Fades…, will immediately remind the listener of Symphony X and Dream Theater. That isn’t a bad thing, as long as you aren’t expecting innovation from Suspyre. After a listen or two, a few songs have stood out. The two epics, “Siren” and “Let Freedom Ring (The Heart of It All),” are fantastic slabs of progressive metal and the guitar work is stellar. I think I need to get some more time in with it before making my final decision, but so far, When Time Fades… shows a lot of promise.